Friday, May 10, 2024

Week 6: Proverb and Vocabulary Review

Before sharing all the Quia links, etc., I wanted to share this marvelous lecture by Emily Wilson that I listened to online earlier this week; she features... Greek proverbs and fables! How cool is that? In fact, the proverb she starts with is one that was in a blog post just last week: Περὶ ὄνου σκιᾶς. (Thanks so much to Kevin for alerting me to this lecture; I'm hoping the other 2 lectures in the series will be available online eventually, and if they are, I'll be sure to share those links also.)

(introduction by Mary Norris)

Last week I posted some Quia activities for reviewing the fifth week of proverbs and vocabulary, plus noun and verb forms review; see the first week's review post for an explanation of how to use Quia activities, and you can find all my Quia materials here.

This week, I created the same activities for the Week 6 proverbs: Proverbs, Vocabulary, Vocabulary with Parts, and Noun Practice.

Here's the updated widget showing a random proverb:

If you want to review this week's posts, here they are: Group 31 - Group 32 - Group 33 - Group 34 - Group 35 - Group 36. You can also listen to the audio for each group at SoundCloud (I'm still working on filling in the audio for the earlier weeks):

Finally, here is the list of all of this week's proverbs, alphabetized and linked back to the blog post so that you can access the English translation and commentary as needed. Enjoy!

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