Sunday, April 21, 2024

Greek Proverbs Widget

You may have noticed the Greek proverb widget in the sidebar of this blog; it displays a proverb at random, linked to the blog post in which that proverb appears. There are now 270 proverbs in the randomizer! You can see the widget in action here; hit reload to see another: 

If you see the same proverb twice in a row, or if you see the same proverb in the post and in the sidebar, take it as a divine sign... because the odds are 270 to 1 against seeing the same proverb twice in a row! When I have blogged 366 proverbs, I'll also create a "Greek Proverb of the Day" widget.

I host the script at my website, and you can deploy it in your website, blog, or LMS using the javascript version or an iframe version. 

Here is the javascript version that you can embed anywhere that javascript is allowed, such as in a website, a wiki, a blog post, blog sidebar, etc.:

Here is the iframe version that you can use in a website builder like Google Sites or an LMS like Canvas that does not allow direct use of javascripts but does allow iframes; you can adjust the height and width variables as needed:

I made this Greek proverb widget with Randy Hoyt's wonderful If you know how to create an HTML table and have a place to host a javascript script, you can create your own randomizing widgets with any kind of content: text, images, embedded videos, etc. See Randy's site with a step by step guide. The site has been running for over 20 years and is still going strong!

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