Thursday, April 18, 2024

Week 3: Proverb and Vocabulary Review

Last week I posted some Quia activities for reviewing the second week of proverbs and vocabulary, plus some noun review; see the first week's review post for an explanation of how to use Quia activities, and you can find all my Quia materials here.

This week, I created the same activities for the Week 3 proverbs — Proverbs, Vocabulary, Vocabulary with Parts, Noun Practice — and I was also able to create something new: Verb Practice. There were enough verbs from Weeks 1-3 combined so that I could create a set of cards to encourage you to practice both the English definitions and the two most important principal parts: present and aorist.

IMO those are the verbs to learn: present and aorist. If you can learn those, that will cover 90% of the verbs you are doing to see (the future and the perfect are just not that common).

So, for the Verb Review activities, you will see the present tense form of the verb on one side of the card, which should prompt you to supply both the aorist form  and the English definition. I hope you will find that useful! 

So, going forward, those will be the Quia activities I'll make every week: proverb and vocabulary practice, plus noun forms and verb forms.

If you want to review this week's posts, here they are: Group 13 - Group 14 - Group 15 - Group 16 - Group 17 - Group 18.

Below is the list of all of this week's proverbs, alphabetized and linked back to the blog post so that you can access the English translation and commentary as needed. Enjoy!

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