Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Week 2: Proverb and Vocabulary Review

Last week I posted some Quia activities for reviewing the first week of proverbs and practicing the vocabulary; see last week's post for an explanation of how to use Quia activities, and you can find all my Quia materials here.

This week, I created the same activities for the Week 2 proverbs — Proverbs, Vocabulary, Vocabulary with Parts — and I was also able to create something new: Noun Review. There were enough nouns and adjectives from Weeks 1 and 2 combined so that I could create a set of cards to encourage you to practice both the English definitions and the Greek stems. 

So, for the Noun Review activities, you will see the nominative form and part of speech on one side of the card, which should prompt you to supply both the genitive singular form and the English definition. I hope you will find that useful! 

When enough verbs accumulate, I will do the same thing with the first and third parts of the verbs, present stem and aorist stem; those are the fundamental parts of the verb to learn, just as the nominative and genitive are the fundamental parts of nouns and adjectives. Hopefully I will have enough verbs to do that next week!

If you want to review this week's posts, here they are: Group 7 - Group 8 - Group 9 - Group 10 - Group 11 - Group 12.

Below is the list of all of this week's proverbs, alphabetized and linked back to the blog post so that you can access the English translation and commentary as needed. Enjoy!

  • Αἰὼν πάντα φέρει.
  • Ἀντὶ ἡμέρας νὺξ ἐγένετο.
  • Ἀξία ἡ κύων τοῦ θρόνου.
  • Βατράχῳ ὕδωρ.
  • Γῆρας διδάσκει πάντα.
  • Γλυκὺς ἀπείρῳ πόλεμος.
  • Δικτύῳ ἄνεμον θηρᾶς.
  • Δός μοι ποῦ στῶ, καὶ κινῶ τὴν γῆν.
  • Εὐτυχία πολύφιλος.
  • Ἐχθρῶν ἄδωρα δῶρα.
  • Ζητεῖτε καὶ εὑρήσετε.
  • Ἡ γλῶσσα πολλῶν ἐστιν αἰτία κακῶν.
  • Ἡ σοφίας πήγη διὰ βιβλίων ῥεῖ.
  • Ἰατρὸς νόσου ὁ ὕπνος.
  • Λύκος ποιμήν.
  • Λωτοῦ ἔφαγες.
  • Μακραὶ τυράννων χεῖρες.
  • Μία χελιδὼν ἔαρ οὐ ποιεῖ.
  • Μιᾶς γὰρ χειρὸς ἀσθενὴς μάχη.
  • Νεκρὸς οὐ δάκνει.
  • Ξύλον ἀγκύλον ουδέποτ' ὀρθόν.
  • Οὐ γνῶσις, ἀλλὰ πρᾶξις.
  • Οὐδὲ Ἡρακλῆς πρὸς δύο.
  • Πέτρας ἕψεις.
  • Πολλὰ ψεύδονται ἀοιδοί.
  • Σοφία γάρ ἐστι καὶ μαθεῖν ὃ μὴ νοεῖς.
  • Τιθωνοῦ γῆρας.
  • Ὕδραν τέμνεις.
  • Φεῦγ' ἡδονὴν φέρουσαν ὕστερον βλάβην.
  • Χάρις χάριν τίκτει.
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